Saturday, July 17, 2010

Namaste India -> Good Mornin' Vietnam!

Midnight flight to Hanoi from Bangalore...

We took a ride in one of the classic Ambassador taxis to the airport. It was a wild ride. We thought it was going to be international taxi car accident #3 for us (we've already had prior crashes in Munich and in Cabo, whoa!).

It was raining, and there was only one windsheild wiper that sort of worked. The driver must have been a fan of Kramer's (from Seinfeld) wide lane approach, because he usually was stradling the line. Horns honked at us the whole way and man was the driver a drifter!

The mini-coolie (aka "porter," pictured above with Luke) rode front-seat and yelled occasionally when the drifting got too out of control and was wiping the front windows with a rag (no defroster).

Luke's smile of relief shows our excitement upon arriving safely at the airport!

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